Media and press
Media inquiries
Mediehenvendelser for Nordlaks-selskapene kan rettes til Heidi Torkildson Ryste (Leder for marked og kommunikasjon) eller Kolbjørn Hoseth Larssen (kommunikasjonsrådgiver). Det er også mulig å sende epost til Det er ingen vaktordning, så henvendelser utenom vanlig arbeidstid kan ha lengre responstid.
Press contact
Heidi Torkildson Ryste
Leder for marked og kommunikasjon
Telefon: 419 09 949
Kolbjørn Hoseth Larssen
Telefon: 950 36 625
Press kit
We have collected some pictures that can be freely used by the press to illustrate matters relating to Nordlaks. Click on the links to proceed to the individual album.
Contact the press contact for requests for other images than those made available here.
Logo and grafic profile
Contact the marketing department for access to Nordlaks' profile manual and several logo files in EPS, PNG or other file formats for use in the design or production of material. Simple logo files in PNG format (1024×768 pixels) for use on websites or in simple brochures can be downloaded here.
Blue logo. For use on white background. Download.
White logo. For use on blue or colored background. Download.